Wednesday, 17 February 2010

In the Spirit of Emma

Emma Cray was a close friend of mine. Unlike most people I know she became more interested and involved in political ideas and action as she got older rather than giving up on them. She moved to London, to live with me (and Ted) at the beginning of 1995, she helped with the distribution and did her own thing too. On the 14th of September 1995 she was crushed by a truck whilst she was cycling through Mile End, in East London. My memories of her are full of love and beauty as well as intelligence, enquiry, imagination and fun.
Active Distriibution published these pamphlets in her memory and with her spirit of hope and determination to do something worthwhile despite everything! There is no party line here or consistency of thought but there is a constant desire to find out what is really going on and what we can do about it. "Debunking" the mental status quo as Emma and I liked to say.
Jon @ctive

For more information please go to In the Spirit of Emma Publications.