Friday, 19 December 2014

Emma in Nepal

In 1991, Emma and I went for a decadent holiday in Nepal. It was a wonderful time that cemented our friendship forever despite amoebic dysentry and excessive heat. I have many photo's from this trip and will gradually post all the ones with Emma in up here.

Our stop over hotel room in Bangladesh

Off on our first Nepalese bike ride

Emma admires the political slogans, an election was imminent and supposedly we were in danger from the Maoists and political fighting!

Happy on a bike.          

Emma relaxes on the roof top of our hotel in Pokhara

No respect for the photographer cycling alongside!

Emma asleep during amoebic dysentry period!

Always the reluctant muse.

Emma on Lake Pokhara, no prizes for guessing who was at the oars.

Emma follows our largely self appointed guide for the day

In a temple with our child guide!

Emma makes a new friend.